Chiropractic Treatment and Massage Therapy for Accident Victims
If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident in Louisville, or the surrounding counties, you know the after-effects are painful. Chiropractic care for car wrecks offers serious pain relief.
The forces involved in an automobile accident are more powerful than most people realize. The sudden impact from a head-on collision, or a T-bone collision, create tremendous strain on the neck muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. It’s not uncommon to experience pain throughout the spinal column.
Chiropractic care focuses relieving your pain by realigning the spine and relaxing those muscles and nerves. Treatment focuses on slowly manipulating the spine to release the pressure and return the patient to a better, more flexible condition.
Your pain may have taken a few days to set in. In fact, it’s not uncommon to hear car wreck victims say they feel okay at the time of the accident. However, several days later, severe soreness and weakness leave the person unable to perform simple tasks such as: